
Part 1 The pre-Romanesque and proto-Romanesque styles: the preparation for medieval architecture - the insitutional background, primitive and local architectural trends, the persistence of Roman architectural ideas and practice, the transition from Roman to early medieval archiecture the Carolingian - northern archiecture in the reign of Charlemagne, 771-814, Church architecture in the northern part of the empire under the later Carolingians pre-Romanesque architecture in the north, outside the empire - Ireland, 9th and 10th century architecture in Saxon England, Scandinavia proto-Romanesque architecture in southern Europe - the Asturian style, the Mozarabic style in northern Spain, the Lombard kingdom, the Byzantine exarchate. Part 2 The earlier styles: the First Romanesque - Lombardy, Dalmatia, Catalonia and Andorra, the kingdom of Arles, Germany architecture in Germany - under the Saxon and Franconian emperors (936-1125), the Ottonians the Ottonian Romanesque, the Salian or Franconian emperors France - 900-1050 - the Ambulatory, Burgundian developments, the spacious wooden-roofed basilicas. Part 3 The mature as inter-regional and international archiecture: the great Churches of the pilgrimage roads - the preparation - general considerations, St Martin at Tours, Saint-Martial at Limoges, Sainte-Foi at Conques, Saint-Sernin at Toulouse and pilgrimage sculpture, Santiago de Compostela, goal of the pilgrimage reflex from the pilgrimage the role of Cluny in the history of archiecture - the early Abbots the Ecole Clunisienne, Abbot Hugh of Semur, Abbot Pons, or Pontius, de Melgueil, Abbot Peter the Venerable the Cistercians and their architecture. Part 4 The mature of middle and southern France: general considerations in regard to the regional schools the kingdom of Arles and Burgundy - Ducal Burgundy, Provence Aquitania, with bordering areas on the Loire and the Mediterranean - the west of France the school of Auvergne the school of Languedoc. Part 5 The mature architecture of Spain, Portugal and the Holy Land: styles dependent on the Moors and on Lombardy - Mudejar architecture in Brick, the mature Catalan style styles dependent on France - preliminary considerations, Aragon and Navarre, Leon, Castile and Galicia, Portugal, the Templars and the Hospitallers, the Holy Land, exchange of influences - the problem of Armenia. Part 5 Mature architecture in the lands associated within the Holy Roman Empire: the two Sicilies- Apulia, the Basilicata, Sicily, Campania and neighbouring regions central Italy - Rome and the Papal state, Tuscany northern Italy - Venice, Lombardy Germany, Netherlands and Flanders - south Germany, Saxony, lower Rhine-Main district, the Netherlands. Part 7 Mature architecture in Scandinavia, Britian and northern France. (part contents)

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