
The occurrence of the phylogenetic lineage of the genus Lycaon covers the entire Pleistocene. A younger form, Lycaon lycaonoides, was recorded from 68 African, Eurasian and North American localities, ranged between 1.8 and 0.4 myr. Among them, six localities are in the territory of Poland, with especially important the youngest record from Draby 3, dated at MIS 11. It seems to be the latest occurrence of this species elsewhere. Draby 3 documented the last, relict occurrence of Lycaon lycaonoides after the most extreme glaciation of MIS 12, which was crucial for a significant decrease in numbers and density, or the complete disappearance of many ancient carnivores. Lycaon lycaonoides was ecologically flexible species able to hunt in a wide prey spectrum; its size, comparable with that of the largest extant Canis lupus, high intelligence, social lifestyle and pack hunting guaranteed the leading position among other ancient large carnivores. This species was a member of a stable by 1.5 myr carnivore paleoguild, one of the top carnivores and the dominant canid. It was also well adapted to changing environmental conditions initiated by glacial-interglacial cycles. It seems that climatic changes have not affected Lycaon lycaonoides as much as previously considered. The main factor responsible for the lycaon decline, alongside with climatic changes, would be the arrival of newcomers of African origin like Panthera spelaea fossilis and Crocuta crocuta spelaea. Lycaon lycaonoides was able to survive longer than other ancient carnivores. It disappeared first in southern Europe (Iberian and Italian Peninsulas), in areas where lion and hyena appeared for the first time. Gradually as the density and abundance of both social and highly intelligent species increased, a compact and wide geographic range of this species started to shrink up to isolated areas located far away one from another. The final collapse of the lycaon population and its disappearance took place during MIS 12. The balance between canids has been broken and a critical point in the lycaon-wolf relationship was passed at that time. During MIS 11, the lycaon was already too rare to be a real competitor and a limiting factor for the wolf. It was also the time when the lycaon completely disappeared. As soon as the lycaon disappeared in Eurasia, a slowly increase in the size of the wolf has been observed.

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