
The Carnivora assemblage of the Tamanian faunal unit (1.1–0.8 Ma) from the south of European Russia (Taman' Peninsula and southern shore of the Taganrog Gulf of the Azov Sea) is described. It contains five species: Canis tamanensis, Canis (Xenocyon) lycaonoides, Lutra simplicidens tamanensis, Pachycrocuta brevirostris, and Homotherium latidens. The Tamanian otter shows a more primitive condition than the Middle Pleistocene European L. simplicidens and its subspecific status is defined. C. tamanensis resembles the European Canis mosbachensis but shows very peculiar characteristics of the lower carnassial in the type specimen. In general, the Tamanian assemblage is composed of the elements that are characteristic of the post-Villafranchian carnivore fauna of Western Europe.

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