
Carnitine supplement proves to upgrade the quality of semen by increasing sperm count and motility. In this study we have determined the level of L – carnitine in the seminal plasma of men with normal and abnormal seminal analysis. L – carnitine levels among the normal group was significantly higher than the abnormal group. We recommend trials of carnitine supplements to evaluate its usefulness in correcting some infertility cases.Subjects and methods: A total of 52 men, recruited from fertility centers in Khartoum, were included in this study. Colorimetric carnitine determination kits were used for estimation of L – carnitine in seminal plasma.Results: Collectively, men with normal values of semen analysis had significantly higher mean seminal plasma carnitine levels compared to abnormal values (p = 0.028). Oligospermic men had significantly lower levels of carnitine compared to normal (p = 0.046).Conclusion: Seminal plasma carnitine level seems to correlate with seminal quality and its deficiency may be a reason for infertility among some Sudanese men.Key words: seminal plasma, infertility.

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