
THE twenty–seventh annual report of the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust (Dunfermline: The Trust) covers the year 1940 and emphasizes the aim of its war–time policy to continue so far as possible to foster pioneer experimental work which may be expected to have an enduring effect on the social structure of the country. It also aims at safeguarding its own past work where this has proved to be of value by assisting earlier beneficiaries to maintain their services and, if necessary, extend them to meet special needs arising from the War. The year 1940 was the last year of a quinquennium, and the report briefly reviews the allocations made during that period. The largest single allocation was one of a £150,000 for land settlement schemes to be undertaken in England and Wales by the Land Settlement Association. The policy of this Association had to be completely re–orientated at the outbreak of war. At September 30, 1940, there were 1,054 holders on full–time estates, and the land has been brought under cultivation for production of corn, potatoes and other crops under schemes agreed with the county war agricultural committees. Individual grants to the National Council of Social Service have been rounded into a single block grant of £5,000 for 1940 to cover all those of the Council's activities in which the Trust is interested.

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