
RE-KINECT (NCT03062033), a real-world study of possible tardive dyskinesia (TD) in antipsychotic-treated patients, included a questionnaire to assess the effects of patients' abnormal involuntary movements on caregivers. To capture the experiences of caregivers who assisted individuals with abnormal involuntary movements that were confirmed by clinicians as being consistent with TD. Qualified (nonpaid) caregivers were invited to complete a questionnaire that included the following: caregivers' sociodemographic characteristics, their perceptions about the impact of abnormal involuntary movements on patients, and the impact of these movements on themselves (caregivers). Of the 41 participating caregivers, 25 (61.0%) were women, 20 (48.8%) were employed full time or part time, and 35 (85.4%) were family members or friends. Based on responses from caregivers who noticed patients' abnormal involuntary movements and were caring for individuals who also noticed those movements, 48.0% of patients had "a lot" of severity in ≥1 body region and 76.0% had abnormal involuntary movements in ≥2 regions. Caregiver ratings were significantly correlated with patient ratings (but not with clinician ratings) for maximum severity of abnormal involuntary movements and the number of affected regions (both p <.05). Based on their own judgments and perceptions, caregivers reported that the patient's movements had "some" or "a lot" of impact on their (caregiver's) ability to continue usual activities (50.0%), be productive (58.3%), socialize (55.6%), or take care of self (50.0%). Caregivers as well as patients are negatively affected by TD, and the impact of TD on caregivers' lives should be considered when determining treatment options.

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