
Educational trilogy is a scheme of relationship between family environment, school environment and community environment. Each of them support each other in efforts to educate the nation's children and their moral education. Moral education will run effectively and intact if it involves the institution. Conversely, moral education will not work effectively if ignoring one of the institutions, especially families. The family as the first educational institution, wheres mother as the first teacher for her child gives a big influence on planting child’s character and morals. No matter how busy a mother's first task is to educate the child, and then of course a mother who has a glass as a career woman has its own method in instilling good morals for her son. This research was created with the aim to describe the method of career woman in moral education of child. The data were collected using observation, interview and documentation techniques and then tested their validation for qualitative analysis. From the data obtained the author concludes that the method of moral education used by career woman in educating the children in Kelurahan Tlogosari Kulon Semarang is exemplary method, habituation and advice.

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