
Introduction. The process of professional development of the country is influenced by global processes: digitalization, progressive science and institutional education, the emergence of new interdisciplinary scientific fields, the development of new factors of social mobility, the emergence of new professions, etc. This influence can be taken into account in the discrepancy between the desired labor and educational career paths with the fact that university graduates use life guidelines based on the level of dissatisfaction with their acquired profession and career. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the distinctive features of the formation of career trajectories of university graduates who received education in the natural sciences and humanities. Materials and methods. To achieve this goal, an online questionnaire was conducted, in which 252 graduates of different years from 32 Russian universities of natural sciences and humanities took part. To process the data, sequential analysis of t-Student criteria (p = 0.05), factor analysis, and content analysis were used. Results. Special features of the formation of career trajectories have been identified: the assessment of the demand for knowledge and skills in the labor market among graduates of natural science faculties after a bachelor's degree is higher than among graduates of humanities (7.17 compared to 5.75); More often than not, graduates of natural science faculties (71.6 compared to 43.1) plan to work/continue to work in the specialty acquired as a bachelor’s degree; 67.9% of graduates of natural science faculties have a longer planning horizon (several years) (compared to 43.1). from 32.1%); 26% of “techies” continue their work dynasty (compared with 6%); %); significant values for graduates of humanities are “harmony of personal life and career” (4.49 on average 4.01), “social recognition” (3.42 on average 2.95) and “emotional health” (4.52 on average 4.11), while for “techies” the opportunity to realize their entrepreneurial abilities is more significant (3.2 on average 2.75). “Humanitarians” compared to “technical specialists” are potentially more ready for sabbatical (3.46 on average 2.78), downshifting (2.65 on average 2.18) and relocation (3.40 on average 2.73). Four types of career trajectories were identified among graduates of humanities faculties (using the rotation method – Varimax): balanced multipotential, stagnant uncertain, innovative and altruistic escapism. For graduates of natural sciences, such differentiation is not defined. Conclusion. The data obtained allow us to conclude that graduates of natural science faculties have more employment opportunities due to the compliance of university training with the requirements of employers. For graduates of humanities faculties, the career trajectory is more variable, unstable, has a fluctuating nature and is associated primarily with horizontal mobility, while for graduates of natural science faculties the career trajectory is less variable and has a greater tendency toward upward mobility

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