
Career orientation has become significant in Vietnamese education recently. To students of theMining Faculty of Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, this issue is more important as societychanges its acceptance of mining. The research uses investigation, interview, and observation methods for205 students to see their career orientation. The performance is on the following criteria: 1) Career choicebased on individual interests, abilities, personalities, career values; 2) Understanding of the profession inaspects of quality and capacity, workplace, future working environment, the development trend, etc.; 3)The suitability of the profession with individual interests, abilities, personality, and values of theprofession during the study; 4) Study plans to meet industry requirements; 5) Self-development plans inthe future career. Research results show that the majority of students have the right and appropriate career.These students have clear and positive motivations and goals in the learning process. Only a few studentshave not determined the proper position in the profession due to their emotions, which are not stable andoriented.

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