
While care managers use multiple health IT applications to coordinate patient care across transitions of care, they experience challenges posed by these multiple health IT applications. We used a macroergonomic framework (i.e. the work system model), and conducted interviews and observations of care managers (inpatient, outpatient, transition of care) and a web-based survey to assess these challenges. The challenges were related to the care managers’ work system: technologies and tools (e.g., poor interface design of health IT), organization (e.g., no access to some health IT applications), and tasks (e.g., duplicate documentation). Care managers consider the following as major barriers: transferring patient-related information between multiple applications, finding correct information for medication reconciliation and other patient information (e.g., patient’s psychosocial background), and duplicate documentation and data entry. The next phase of the research focuses on how care managers deal with challenges posed by multiple health IT applications to perform their job of coordinating patient care across transitions of care.

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