
Knowledge of the influence of anesthesia in anesthetized animals at in vivo experiments is essential in order to interpret the results of investigations properly and correctly. In this study we researched cardiovascular effects of vasoactive substances (adrenalin, noepinephrine, dimethylphenylpiperazinium, acethylholin, histamine) in prolonged anesthesia of six hours in dogs. The cardiovascular effects of vasoactive substances were evaluated by direct blood pressure measurement, ecg monitoring and urine output measurement. The dose-effect curve of systolic (SAP) and diastolic (DAP) blood pressure were obtained for each of the vasoactive substances. The differences between cardiovascular effects of vasoactive substances at the beginning and at the end of prolonged anesthesia were tested. There were statistically significant differences (p<0.05) in changes of blood pressure at the beginning and at the end of prolonged anesthesia only for some doses of adrenalin and histamine (1 mg/kg and 3 mg/kg). No significant changes in heart rhythms at the beginning and at the end of prolonged anesthesia were recorded. The urine output during anesthesia depended on applied vasoactive substances.


  • In vivo eksperimenti na anestetisanim životinjama zahtevaju poznavanje uticaja anestezije kako bi se rezultati eksperimenta tačno interpretirali

  • Knowledge of the influence of anesthesia in anesthetized animals at in vivo experiments is essential in order to interpret the results of investigations properly and correctly

  • The cardiovascular effects of vasoactive substances were evaluated by direct blood pressure measurement, ecg monitoring and urine output measurement

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In vivo eksperimenti na anestetisanim životinjama zahtevaju poznavanje uticaja anestezije kako bi se rezultati eksperimenta tačno interpretirali. U ovom radu su ispitani kardiovaskularni efekti vazoaktivnih supstanci (adrenalin, noradrenalin, dimetilfenilpiperazin, acetilholin i histamin) u uslovima produžene šestočasovne anestezije kod pasa. Kardiovaskularni efekti vazoaktivnih supstanci su procenjeni direktnim merenjem arterijskog pritiska, elektrokardiografijom i merenjem diureze. Izrađene su doza-efekat krive za sistolni (SAP) i dijastolni (DAP) arterijski pritisak za sve ispitivane vazoaktivne supstance. Procenjivana je razlika u kardiovaskulanim efektima vazoaktivnih supstanci na početku i na kraju anestezije. Postojala je statistički značajna razlika (p

Histamin DAP na kraju
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