
The medical community is facing ever-increasing difficulties in identifying and treating cardiovascular diseases. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that despite the availability of numerous high-priced medical remedies for persons with heart problems, CVDs continue to be the main cause of mortality globally, accounting for over 21 million deaths annually. When cardiovascular diseases are identified and treated early on, they cause far fewer deaths. Deep learning models have facilitated automated diagnostic methods for early detection of these diseases. Cardiovascular diseases often present insidious symptoms that are difficult to identify in a timely manner. Prompt diagnosis of individuals with CVD and related conditions, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol, is crucial to initiate appropriate treatment. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) with gated recurrent units (GRUs) have recently emerged as a more advanced variant, capable of surpassing Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models in several applications. When compared to LSTMs, GRUs have the advantages of faster calculation and less memory usage. When it comes to CVD prediction, the bio-inspired Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm provides a straightforward method of getting the best possible outcomes with minimal effort. This stochastic optimization method requires neither the gradient nor any differentiated form of the objective function and emulates the behaviour and intelligence of swarms. PSO employs a swarm of agents, called particles, that navigate the search space to find the best prediction type.This study primarily focuses on predicting cardiovascular diseases using effective feature selection and classification methods. For CVD forecasting, we offer a GRU model built on recurrent neural networks and optimized with particle swarms (RNN-GRU-PSO). We find that the proposed model significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art models (98.2% accuracy in predicting cardiovascular diseases) in a head-to-head comparison.

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