
The present study demonstrated cardiorespiratory effects of a synthetic phosphorus-containing ichthyotoxic metabolite elaborated by the marine dinoflagellate Ptychodiscus brevis in anaesthetised cats. The metabolite at a dose of 0.25–1.5 mg/kg i.v., resulted in a dose-dependent fall in blood pressure and such vasodepressor effect was associated with bradycardia. There is initial respiratory apnoea ollowed by increased rate and depth of respiration (hyperapnoea) following the administration of the toxin. The hypotensive response was accompanied by a decrease in aortic baroreceptor activity. The ECG showed atrioventricular conduction block, arrhythmia and depression of S-T segment and T wave which indicated coronary insufficiency. Vasodepressive property of the toxin is presumably muscarinic in nature as atropine counteracted the vasodepression.

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