
to develop a CT risk model score taking into account cardiological, oncological and individual risks. The study included 52 breast cancer patients with retrospective analysis of their medicalhistory, risk factors, and echocardiographic parameters before the onset and in 12 months follow up. Based on theanalysis of the data, a CT risk model score was developed and recommended. The patients were divided into groupsaccording to the score: Group 1 - low risk of CT development - score < 4 points, Group 2 - moderate risk - 5-7points, Group 3 - high risk > 8 points. According to the scale, BC patients with a total of > 8 points are consideredto be at high risk for CT complications. Radiation therapy and anthracyclines, as well as associated cardiovasculardiseases were the most important risk factors of CT. Based on the study of retrospective analysis of risk factors, data of heart function monitoring during follow-up,the risk model score of cardiotoxicity has been developed for the BC patients' stratification. According to the proposedscore risk model, BC patients with a total score of > 8 points considered to have high risk of cardiotoxic complications. Using of the proposed risk model score with calculation of CT risk factors both before the beginningand during cancer therapy is important, because it allows predicting the risk of CT development - to identify high-risk patients, accordingly, to develop an individualized plan for cardiac function monitoring and to start timely cardioprotective therapy.

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