
A 16-year-old boy was referred with features of Parkes Weber syndrome (PWS) involving the right lower limb. He had presented at birth with cutaneous vascular malformations (VM) in the right thigh and at the age of 7 years developed congestive cardiac failure, which was controlled with drugs. He received alpha interferon and steroids during this period without any benefit. He defaulted follow-up and at 12 years of age presented with further enlargement of the VM in the right thigh and leg with skin and soft tissue thickening. At this stage, embolization and subsequent excision of the VM were tried, but the surgery was abandoned because of massive hemorrhage. Over the next 4 years, the boy became totally bedridden because of massive increase in the size of the limb, repeated hemorrhages, and secondary infection of the VM. Right hip disarticulation was considered the best option to improve his quality of life. To prevent uncontrollable hemorrhage during surgery, the disarticulation was done under cardiopulmonary bypass with low circulatory flow. Postoperatively, the patient required intensive care nursing for a week. He is presently ambulatory with crutches. Cardiopulmonary bypass with low flow has been used for treating posttraumatic arteriovenous malformations. However, its use in surgery for PWS has not been reported earlier.

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