
At present, diseases of the cardiovascular system in small animals range from 15 to 18%. The most common cause of cardiovascular disease in animals is a decrease in myocardial contractile properties. The results of experimental research to study the effi cacy of «Cardiophil» and «Phytochol» for heart disease in rats are presented. Histological examinations prove that cardiac myocytes are killed by ischemia, with subsequent replacement of connective tissue. As a result, not only the damaged area but also a healthy myocardium is involved in the process of cardiac tissue remodeling. Irreversible damage to cardiomyocytes and vascular structures leads to impaired cardiac function, heart failure and the development of arrhythmias. It is established that the use of drugs «Cardiophil» and «Phytochol» promotes the prevention of the above changes, i.e. prevents cardiovascular diseases, in particular myocardium in animals. For the purpose of experimental studies, a control and experimental group of rats 12 months of age and weighing 220g of 5 animals each were formed. All animals were in the same feeding and keeping conditions. The rats of the study group were individually internally given phytopreparations «Cardiophil» 30 min before feeding at a dose of 5 drops, and in an hour «Phytochol» with a small amount of water 3 times a day for 90 days. At day 91 of the experiment, hypothermia was induced in animals as a stress factor, according to the indicated method. Throughout the study, rats were monitored, taking into account the general condition, behavior, response to external stimuli, and the condition of the hair. After 12-14 hours of fasting for 91 days, the animals were removed from the experiment by the conventional method (gas anesthesia). Material was selected and histological examination was performed according to the indicated method. During the whole period of the experimental studies, no deviations from the norm were found in the rats of the control and experimental group: general condition, behavior, rats were mobile, active, adequately responded to external stimuli, readily received feed, and the hair was clean and dry. The histological changes established, in our opinion, may refl ect diff erent phases of the functional activity of the heart, as well as structural alterations and metabolic phenomena that occurred in the tissues of the myocardium and the valve apparatus of rats under the action of a stress factor – a hypothermic state. Experimental studies have shown that the use of phytopreparations «Cardiophil» and «Phytochol» for preventive purposes positively aff ects the function of the cardiovascular system, in particular myocardium, which indicates their cardioprotective eff ect, and accordingly prevent cardiovascular diseases of animals. Key words: cardiovascular diseases, stress, cardioprotective eff ect, myocardium, hypothermia, Cardiophil, Phytochol, rats.


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Постановка проблеми, аналіз останніх досліджень і публікацій. Незважаючи на значні успіхи ветеринарної медицини, серцево-судинні захворювання є причиною загибелі тварин. Метою дослідження було вивчення кардіопротекторної дії препаратів Кардіофіл та Фітохол за умов експериментальної гіпотермії у щурів. Тварин після 12–14-годинного голодування, виводили з експерименту під інгаляційним наркозом севофлураном і проводили гістологічні дослідження, враховували зміни мітрального клапану, міокарда лівого шлуночка, аорти, міокарда правого шлуночка та стінки правого передсердя.

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