
There is little prospective information on the cardiometabolic risks of testosterone and growth hormone (GH) replacement therapy to youthful levels during aging. We conducted a double-masked, partially placebo controlled study in 112 men 65–90 years-old. Transdermal testosterone (5g-vs-10g/day) using a Leydig Cell Clamp and subcutaneous recombinant GH (rhGH) (0-vs-3-vs-5ug/kg/day) were administered for 16-weeks. Measurements included testosterone and IGF-1 levels, body composition by DEXA, and cardiometabolic risk factors (upper body fat, blood pressure, insulin sensitivity, fasting triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, and serum adiponectin) at baseline and after 16 weeks of treatment. Some cardiometabolic factors improved (total and trunk fat, triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol) and others worsened (systolic blood pressure, insulin sensitivity index [QUICKI], adiponectin). Cardiometabolic risk composite scores (CRCS) improved (−0.69±1.55, p<0.001). In multivariate analyses, QUICKI, triglycerides, and HDL-cholesterol contributed 33%, 16%, and 14% of the variance in CRCS, respectively. Pathway analyses indicated that changes in fat and lean mass were related to individual cardiometabolic variables and CRCS in a complex manner. Changes in BMI, reflecting composite effects of changes in fat and lean mass, were more robustly associated with cardiometabolic risks than changes in fat mass or LBM individually. In conclusion, testosterone and rhGH administration was associated with diverse changes in individual cardiometabolic risk factors, but in aggregate appeared not to worsen cardiometabolic risk in healthy older men after 4-months. The long term effects of these and similar anabolic therapies on cardiovascular events should be investigated in populations with greater funtional limitations along with important health disabilities including upper body obesity and other cardiometabolic risks.

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