
According to reports of the last five years, there has been little effort to detect early cancer of the cervix during pregnancy. Such neglect is remarkable both because of availability (Oxorn<sup>1</sup>) to all general practitioners and obstetricians of the diagnostic cervical smear, as described by Papanicolaou and Traut,<sup>2</sup>and because of the status of carcinoma in situ or intraepithelial preinvasive cancer, which particularly concerns pregnancy. <h3>INCIDENCE OF CERVICAL CANCER IN PREGNANCY</h3> The frequency of cervical cancer in pregnancy can be only approximated. Foote and Li,<sup>3</sup>quoting from the Department of Statistics, Memorial Hospital, and the New York State Division of Cancer Control, listed 1 cervical cancer per 1,500 women over 35 years of age in the general female population; de Rezende<sup>4</sup>stated that the incidence of cervical cancer in women of reproductive age is 0.02 per cent and the incidence of pregnancy in cervical cancers is

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