
The literature concerning carcinoma of the thyroid in children is briefly reviewed, and another case is reported of dyspnea, cyanosis, clubbing and reduced arterial oxygen saturation secondary to metastatic pulmonary thyroid disease in a four year old child. Despite extensive histologic examination, the presence of an arteriovenous fistula could not be demonstrated in the face of clinical and chemical evidence of its presence, as suggested by Pierce, Reagan and Kimball [5]. The recent increase in thyroid cancer occurring in children is believed to be secondary to the common practice of treating thyrotoxicosis, tuberculous cervical lymphadenitis and enlarged thymus with therapeutic x-ray. With the wider appreciation of the dangers of therapeutic radiation in children, it is thought that the incidence of malignant thyroid disease in children will decrease. The occurrence of pulmonary arteriovenous fistula associated with metastatic disease is again postulated.

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