
That the suprarenal cortex is related to the growth of the body and to the development of sex characteristics is well recognized. It has been observed, further, that tumors arising in this area have been associated with marked changes in bodily development and nutrition, and even more striking have been the anomalous sex manifestations presented in such disease. Bulloch and Sequeira,1in 1905, compiled twelve cases of neoplasm of the suprarenals in children, the tumors belonging to the hyper-nephromatous or carcinomatous type. These children consistently showed precocious growth and development of strength, early development of the sex organs, and an overgrowth of fat and hair. Glynn,2in 1912, added five cases to these, making seventeen in all, fourteen females and three males. The precocious sexual development, even in females, was always toward the male type, with occurrence of beards, absence of menstruation, and hypertrophy of the clitoris in

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