
This study explored the effects of different supplementation strategies during the dry and rainy seasons in the tropics on the carcass traits and meat quality of Nellore cattle produced under grazing conditions. Additionally, a cost assessment of the supplementation strategies was conducted to define the most suitable ones from an economic standpoint. Twenty-eight non-castrated male animals (18months) with an initial body weight of 327.9 ± 4.2kg were used. The animals were equitably distributed in a randomized complete design thorough four supplementation strategies as follows: (i) mineral supplementation (MS) in both dry and rainy seasons (MS/MS), (ii) MS during the dry season and concentrate supplementation (CS) during the rainy season (MS/CS), (iii) CS during the dry season and MS during the rainy season (CS/MS), and (iv) CS in both dry and rainy seasons (CS/CS). Thereafter, carcass traits, primary carcass cut yields, meat quality traits, and chemical composition of the meat of cattle produced across different supplementation strategies were determined. Data revealed that animals under CS/CS showed the greatest (P < 0.01) hot carcass weights among the other supplementation strategies evaluated. Conversely, supplementation strategy did not affect (P > 0.10) the carcass traits (the ribeye area, final pH, and forequarter), meat quality traits (shear force, myofibrillar fragment index, sarcomere length, and color), and meat chemical composition (crude protein, fat, and moisture) of the animals. A cost assessment of the supplementation strategies revealed that CS/CS had the highest production costs. Nevertheless, CS/CS had the greatest income and profit, while MS/MS had the lowest ones. In conclusion, data suggest that cattle grazing on tropical forage under CS during at least one season (i.e., dry or rainy) produce similar meat quality traits and chemical composition of meat to those observed for animals under CS in both seasons. Additionally, the last supplementation strategy revealed the greatest profit indicators among the other explored.

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