
Carcass attributes and meat quality characteristics of the Longissimus thoracis muscle were evaluated from 135 lambs from 9 commercial forage production systems (n = 15) on 3 farms. Wethers had greater eye muscle area and loin intramuscular fat percentage than cryptorchid lambs (P < 0.05). Chicory-fed lambs had a heavier carcass weight and greater loin intramuscular fat percentage compared to pasture-fed lambs (P < 0.05), but similar eye muscle area and fat depth over the loin (P > 0.05). Lambs that were processed at weaning had heavier carcasses and greater loin intramuscular fat percentage and shear force values than lambs slaughtered after further finishing on pasture or chicory (P < 0.05). The effects of the sex of the lamb, its castration status, forage diet and age at slaughter on meat quality were subtle.

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