
The potential to sequester carbon by tree species in tropical regions such as Bangladesh is promising in regard to carbon sequestration (CS) potentiality and reducing CO2 emissions. This study focuses on perennial tree species within 488 hectares of Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) to assess the CS and to produce a C stock map for BAU. To compute the green and dry weight, weight of C and CO2 sequestration in the tree, a simplified methodology from the National Computational Science Institute of the Shodor Education Foundation was applied. A total of 27,543 trees comprising 424 species were taken into consideration, dividing the whole study area into four segments. B. ceiba and L. acidissima received the maximum and minimum green, dry, and C weight values. The topmost five carbon stock accumulating trees are M. longifolium (264,768 kg yr−1), S. mahagoni (257,290), A. lebbeck (118,310), M. indica (78,906), and T. grandis (51,744) whilst A. lebbeck is the major C stock accumulating tree within BAU. The top five CS potential are found for B. ceiba (181 kg), A. columnaris (139 kg), S. siamea (116 kg), F. elastica (113 kg), and F. religiosa (83 kg). To reveal the prospects of tree species in Bangladesh for emission reduction, the CS potential could be incorporated with the C trading scheme of the CDM (clean development mechanism) of the Kyoto Protocol.

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