
Construction of versatile multijunctions with visible light response, effective charges transport and separation, suitable band positions, and good stability is highly expected for the photocatalytic VOCs degradation. Herein, one-dimensional titania nanotube supported SrTiO3 heterostructure (STO/TN) was developed by a hydrothermal process and then simultaneously sensitized with carbon nitride polymer (CN) and doped with nitrogen (CN-STO/TN) for photocatalytic mineralization of toluene. CN-STO/TN simultaneously exhibits the following advantages: (1) the nanotube structure enhances light-harvesting, enables effective charges transport and separation, retains sufficient energy of the charges, facilitates the pollutant species transport and reactants enrichment by the confinement effect; (2) synergistic effect of CN sensitization and N-doping extends the light response to the visible light region; (3) multichannel charges separation and transport among the multijunctions promote the photogenerated carriers se...

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