
This study investigates the feasibility and potential impacts of transitioning Nigeria's aviation industry towards carbon-neutral operations through the adoption of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). By examining Nigeria's aviation landscape, international efforts for carbon-neutral aviation, and factors such as feedstock availability, infrastructure, and economic considerations, the paper assesses the viability of SAF adoption. Environmental and economic benefits, including reduced carbon emissions, improved air quality, job creation, and economic diversification, are explored. Challenges such as regulatory hurdles, investment requirements, and public awareness are analyzed, with recommendations provided for policy support, industry collaboration, research and development, and public education campaigns. Despite the absence of specific SAF adoption case studies in Nigeria, insights from international experiences inform the recommendations. The findings suggest Nigeria's potential to lead in SAF adoption regionally, contributing to environmental sustainability and economic growth in the aviation sector, while also offering broader implications for the global industry's transition towards a more sustainable future.

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