
Sustainability is always top priority in most of the premium and responsible coating companies since the industry deals with raw materials, which are largely derived from fossil fuels. Almost as much as 60 to 70 % of the ingredients required in manufacturing coatings are linked to a petroleum-based source. Even the colours used, barring a few, have their origin in the petrochemical chain. Most conventional coatings are in liquid form and contain approximately 30 to 40 % of petrochemical solvents, which are also called diluents/ thinners. The main purpose of these solvents is to make coatings thin enough to apply on the substrate through dipping or through sprays. Once the application is over, they need to evaporate leaving behind solids firmly stuck to the surface. Vapours of these solvents are called Volatile Organic Components (VOC). A lot of research is ongoing, world over, so as to reduce the VOC content in products. The auto industry, typically, has a wide ecosystem around its mother manufacturing units to make components and parts. Most of these units in India are small to medium in scale and size, with ordinary to semi-sophisticated paint application lines. The paint cost is usually around 1 to 2 % of the total cost of the automotive finished good and hence is a ‘C’ category consideration for the automotive purchaser. Since colour, finish and aesthetics is the series of important choices that a customer of the auto industry makes, paint purchase would have, probably ‘A’ category importance for the manufacturer. Most paints leave behind a certain degree of residue either in the collection line or in the booth, apart from the VOC generated. While VOC gets evaporated through the oven/ heating chambers, residues become hazardous wastes, which are incinerated. Sustainability theory is centred on how well we manage our resources to minimise the waste. It is same as CARBON MAPPING AN ESSENTIAL TOOL FOR AUTO INDUSTRY SHANKAR M RANGANATHAN, Purchase Manager, Decorative Paints, India & South Asia, AkzoNobel GUEST COMMENTARY

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