
Land use has a very close relationship with transportation. Transportation is formed as a result of the interaction between land use and its support system. Good land use supported by good infrastructure will result in good movement as well. Accessibility is one of the supporting factors for good interaction between transportation and land use—the better the land use conditions in an area, the greater the movement in that area. However, the interaction between land use and transportation can cause one of the problems: the increase in carbon dioxide emissions due to the more significant movement of motorized vehicles. Motor vehicles are the most significant contributor to carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the world. The further the route traveled by motorized vehicles, the more carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions will increase. This study aims to analyze the average total emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) resulting from transportation activities in Pekanbaru City into two parts, namely: (1) Based on Travel Time (2) Based on the type of vehicle. Vehicle Kilometers of Travel (VKT) and Emission Factors are the primary data in calculating Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions. The research area consists of 12 zones involving 1,342 households in Pekanbaru City. Based on travel time, 52% of community motorized vehicle movement activities are carried out in the morning. Private cars contribute 65% of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in Pekanbaru City based on the type of vehicle. This study found that a high number of motorized vehicles cannot be used as a benchmark that the resulting emissions will also be high. However, the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) depends on the fuel consumption of each vehicle. The higher the fuel consumption, the higher the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions released by motorized vehicles.

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