
Potassium carbonate based solvents have the potential for capturing CO2 from emission sources such as power stations burning fossil fuels. However, due to poor reaction kinetics a rate promoter is considered necessary to improve the rate of reaction of CO2 with the solvent. Using a characterized wetted-wall column, we have studied the reaction kinetics of CO2 into unpromoted and borate-promoted 30wt% potassium carbonate solutions. Results presented here show that, at 80°C, addition of small amounts of boric acid (0.2M, 0.6M and 1.5M) accelerate the overall absorption process of CO2 in carbonate solvents by 3%, 10% and 29% respectively. The Arrhenius expression for the reactions CO2+OH− and CO2+B(OH)4− are kOH [M−1s−1]=2.53×1011exp(−4311/T [K]) and kborate [M−1s−1]=5.5×1011exp(−6927/T [K]); and the activation energies are 35.8kJmol−1 and 57.6kJmol−1 respectively. Experiments were conducted between 40°C and 80°C and at a bulk partial pressure of CO2 of 90kPa.

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