
Despite significant advancements in this area, techniques for collecting commercialised CO2 relying on absorption processes still have significant limits. The main barriers to CO2 capture include high capital costs, lower absorption, and desorption rates, evaporation of solvents and usage of corrosive solvents. Ionic liquids (ILs) and CO2 capture have received a lot of interest recently. Different amines are currently used as solvents, however, ILs are a viable option due to their unique features, such as their affinity to collect CO2 molecules and their minimal vapour pressure. Since greenhouse gas emissions, particularly those of carbon dioxide have a significant impact on global warming, and this subject is generating increased public concern. The carbon capture, use, and sequestration technique appears to be effective in lowering carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere. An overview of previous engineering and research work on many topics, previous engineering and research work on many topics, CO2 capture techniques is provided in this study.

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