
ABSTRACT The presence of the 7 principal tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes—aconitasc, fumarase, condensing enzyme, and isocitric, α-ketoglutaric, succinic, and malic dehydrogenase—was demonstrated in sheep and human thyroid tissue. Quantitative assays were adapted for the measurement of aconitase, fumarase, isocitric, succinic, and malic dehydrogenase in homogenates of this tissue. It was found that methimazole, potassium perchlorate and thiocyanate did not inhibit significantly any of these 5 enzymatic activities in sheep thyroid homogenates. These 5 enzymes were not found exclusively in mitochondria. The sheep thyroid content of aconitase, fumarase, and isocitric, malic, and succinic dehydrogenase is much lower than the liver content of these enzymes. This finding in a metabolically highly active tissue suggests the existence in this tissue of an alternate pathway of glucose catabolism. The content of 5 of the aforementioned enzymes in thyroids from treated thyrotoxic patients was correlated with the deg...

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