
De forma geral, as características do amido variam não somente com a planta de origem, mas também com o estádio de desenvolvimento desta. Neste trabalho objetivou-se avaliar a influência da época de plantio e estádio de desenvolvimento da planta de ahipa sobre as características físico-químicas das raízes, tamanho de grânulos do amido e suas propriedades viscográficas. Constatou-se influência do estádio de desenvolvimento da planta nas características físico-químicas das raízes e do amido, independentemente da época de plantio. A melhor época para o plantio de Pachyrhizus ahipa é outubro e a colheita deve ser feita no máximo com 9 meses, adotando-se o procedimento de retirada das flores a partir dos 3 meses.


  • Pachyrhizus is one of a few Fabaceae with edible roots

  • Only two of the five identified species in the gender are cultivated: P. ahipa and P. tuberosus, both originated from South America (Castellanos et al, 1997)

  • This study aimed to evaluate the influence of planting period and development stage on root physicochemical characteristics and starch properties of Pachyrhizus ahipa plants

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Pachyrhizus is one of a few Fabaceae with edible roots. Pachyrhizus erosus is the only species widely cultivated for domestic consumption and export, and has been introduced in several regions including Brazil. Two main points can summarize the situation of the world’s starch sector: new or derived chemical reagents will rarely be approved for feeding, and in existing starches, the permitted chemical treatment levels for modification will remain unchanged. Reasons for these restrictions are consumer protection, worker safety, environment protection, and economic production costs. Both the food industry and agricultural producers are interested in identifying and developing species that produce native starches with special physicochemical characteristics. These starches could replace chemically-modified starches or open new starch markets (Kim et al, 1995)

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