
CUNHA, E. M. S. Genetic characterization of rabies viruses isolated from bats. Evaluation of the pathogenicity and cross protection in mice [Caracterizacao genetica de amostras do virus da raiva isoladas de morcegos. Avaliacao da patogenicidade e protecao cruzada em camundongos]. 2006. 75 f. Tese (Doutorado em Medicina Veterinaria) – Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, 2006. Twenty-three rabies viruses isolated from hematophagous, frugivorous and insectivorous bats were characterized genetically by complete sequencing of the region coding the nucleoprotein N. The phylogenetic analysis of the sequences, including the lyssavirus and the bat isolates from Chile and USA revealed that the isolates were segregated into four distinct genetic lineages: those related to the vampire bats and to the insectivorous bats 1, 2 and 3. The isolates related to the insectivorous bats 1 were from the Eptesicus furinalis: BR-EF1, BREF2, BREF3, BR-EF-4, BR-EA1 e BR-NL2; those of the insectivorous bats2 included the isolates from Molosssus spp: BR-MM1, BR-MM2 and BR-MA1 and the group 3, by the isolates from the Nictinomops laticaudatus: BR-NL1 and BR-NL3. The homology among each group of the insectivorous bats 1, 2 and 3 were greater than 99%, 97% and 99%, respectively. The lineage related to vampire bats was represented by three isolates from the D. rotundus (BR-DR1, BR-DR2 e BR-DR3); five from the fruit bats Artibeus lituratus (BR-AL1, BR-AL2, BR-AL3, BR-AL4) and Artibeus planirostris (BRAP1); two from insectivorous bats (BR-MR1 and BR-EA2) and two from unidentified species (BR-BAT1 and BR-BAT2). Among the sequenced samples, five bat isolates (BR-EF1, BR-NL1, BR-AL3, BR-MM1, BRDR1) and one dog isolate (BR-C) were selected for the study of their pathogenicity in Swiss mice, inoculating through intracerebral (IC) and intramuscular (IM) routes. All the isolates, when inoculated via IC, were pathogenic, provoking death in 4 – 14 post inoculation days. However, mice inoculated with 500ICLD50 of the same isolates through IM route were found with different death rates: 60.0% (BR-DR1); 50.0% (BR-C, BR-NL); 40.0% (BR-AL3); 9.5% (BR-MM1) and 5.2% (BR-EF10). The same isolates were used for the assessment of cross protection conferred by a commercial vaccine of veterinary use. The mice were vaccinated subcutaneously, receiving either one or two shots of vaccine, and challenged through IC and IM routes. Mice receiving two shots were protected against all the isolates, when challenged intracerebrally. Mice receiving one shot were found only partially protected against the challenge with the fixed PV strain and BR-C isolate. Mice challenged intramuscularly showed 100.0% of protection, with the exception of those vaccinated with one dose and challenged with PV strain, which were found with 66.0% of survivors. These results indicate the possibility of the existence of rabies virus variants circulating in different species of bat population. The data also suggest that the vampires, frugivorous and insectivorous bats share the same lineage of rabies viruses. The commercial vaccine has protected the mice against the challenge with different rabies virus isolates, suggesting that the vaccines usually employed in the field are effective, although some marked difference in neurovirulence by IM inoculation was found among the isolates tested.

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