
23 isolates from root nodules of 13 leguminous species were tested in laboratory for cultural and physiological characteristics. The following conclusions can be drawn: 1 - The cultural and physiological characters were not enough to identify the different isolates. 2 - The data from cultural and physiological tests help the identification of the bacteria, when checked with data from cross-inoculation tests reported elsewhere (GALLI, 1958). The bacteria studied herein may be grouped as the following: a) nodule bacteria from Vigna sinensis, Calopogonium muconoides, Centrosema pubescens, Desmodium adscendens, D. discolor, Indigofera mucronata, I. subulata, I. sumatrana, Stylosanthes guyanensisA Tephrosia cândida and Teramnus uncinatus: bacteria with scanty growth; alcaline reaction in milk-brom cresol purple; no acid production in medium with any of the carbohydrates used. b) nodule bacteria from pea and from Vicia obscura: bacteria with moderate growth; alcaline reaction, with serum zone, in milk-brom cresol purple; acid production in medium with all the carbohydrates used. c) nodule bacteria from Leucaena glauca: bacteria with moderate growth; alcaline reaction, with serum zone, in milk-brom cresol purple; acid production from rafinose and manitol. d) nodule bacteria from Cratylia floribunda: bacteria with scanty growth; alcaline reaction in milk-brom cresol purple; acid production from mannose and ramnose.

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