
This paper focuses on car drivers’ willingness to pay for design related attributes of parking garages. Car drivers’ willingness is retrieved from a stated choice experiment including three basic attributes (capacity of parking, parking tariff, and walking distance between parking and final destination) and 25 design related attributes. The design related attributes are included in the choice experiment following the principles of Hierarchical Information Integration that grouped the 25 attributes into five constructs: attributes related to the parking area, pedestrian environment, accessibility, service, and safety. Per construct, respondents were invited to choose two times between two parking facilities. The experiment was included in an online questionnaire that was completed by 315 respondents who evaluated in total 3,150 choice tasks. The respondents’ choices are evaluated using a standard multinomial logit model. The results show that the following design related attributes significantly contribute to the total utility of parking garages: the width of parking spaces, the width of road lanes, the type of pedestrians’ routes, the width of staircases, the types of elevator points, the presence of parking guidance systems, the available payment options, the presence of toilets, the level of lighting, the presence of ramps, and the level of cleanliness and maintenance. The respondents are willing to pay most for the available payment options (range €2.91) and the level of cleanliness and maintenance (range €2.69).

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