
The cross sections for capture, ionization, capture from pair production, and free pair production were measured for 0.96-GeV/nucleon U{sup 92+} and 0.405-, 0.96-, and 1.3-GeV/nucleon La{sup 57+} ions incident on Au, Ag, and Cu targets. The cross sections for capture from pair production, free pair production, ionization, and total capture (the sum of capture from pair production, radiative electron capture, and nonradiative capture) are analyzed as a function of collision energy, projectile, and target atomic numbers. We find that, when the collision energy is increased from 0.405 GeV/nucleon to 1.3 GeV/nucleon, the capture from pair production and the free pair production cross sections increase by almost a factor of 6, while the capture cross section decreases by two orders of magnitude. The ionization cross section is found to vary very weakly with the collision energy in the 1-GeV/nucleon energy range. We found a dependence of free pair production cross sections on the target and projectile atomic number to be close to Z{sup 2}, characteristic of an ionizationlike process. We also found a dependence of the capture from pair production cross sections on the target atomic number to be usually steeper than Z{sub t}{sup 2}, and on the projectile atomic number,more » somewhat steeper than the Z{sub p}{sup 5}, characteristic of a capturelike process. Theory and experiment are in some disagreement for capture from pair production, and free pair production, cross sections, but are in general agreement for the other capture processes and for ionization. {copyright} {ital 1997} {ital The American Physical Society}« less

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