
Citanduy river is one of the priority watersheds in West Java. Information on capture fisheries resources in Citanduy, however, river is limited. The aim of this study was to assess the information of capture fisheries resources in that river. The method used in this study was a survey method, by collecting data in the field, and then analyzed it in the laboratory. This research was conducted in 2018. Samples of fish were collected through the active participation of fishers with various types of fishing gear. The identification of fish and fishing gear used some references. Some fish caught were preserved in formalin solution and identified. The dominant catch in Citanduy River is Mystacoleucus marginatus and Cyprinus carpio. Other economic fishes catch in Citanduy river are Oreochromis niloticus, Osteochilus vittatus, O. mossambicus, Trichogaster trichopterus, Hemibragus nemurus, Hampala macrolepidota, Channa striata, Moolgarda seheli, and Glossogobius giurus. The fishing gears used by fishers are hooks and lines, cast nets, scope nets, traps, and gill nets. The inland capture fishery in Citanduy river is still a secondary sector for the interests of local government.The current condition of capture fisheries in Citanduy is not the main livelihood for fishers. The inland capture fisheries in Citanduy is still using a simple fishing gear and do not have more complex tools. Citanduy river has potential source of economic and protein food, particularly for local community. Regarding in these potential, management of environment could be the major domains in fisheries management. The policy of local government in handling non-selective fishing gear and restocking activity could be maintain the sustainable fish resources in Citanduy river.

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