
<p class="abstract"><strong>Background:</strong> Foreign bodies in aerodigestive tract is common, frequent, and sometime life threatening emergency for otorhinolaryngologists mainly in the paediatric group. The aims of the present study was to find the incidence of foreign bodies, in relation to demographic factors, type and sites of foreign bodies its clinical presentations and its management.</p><p class="abstract"><strong>Methods:</strong> A prospective study was conducted on 100 cases coming to the ear, nose and throat (ENT) emergency and outpatient department (OPD). After thorough history, clinical examination, routine blood and urine investigations and urine done. Radiological examination was done to visualize the radio-opaque foreign body, and if the foreign body was not radio-opaque then computed tomography (CT) scan was done. </p><p class="abstract"><strong>Results:</strong> Incidence of foreign was 67% in male than 33% in female. Mostly foreign bodies were in nose (49%), followed by oesophageal (31%), abdominal (14%), and bronchus (6%) respectively. 33% were totally asymptomatic, 25% with mucupurulent discharge from nose, dysphagia (16%), nasal obstruction (15%), and odynophagia (11%) respectively. Most of the foreign bodies were inorganic in nature, coin (42%), pearls (8.16%), and battery (6.45%). Among organic foreign bodies peanut was most common (33.33%), grains (10%). All foreign bodies were removed successfully with minimal morbidity and zero mortality.</p><p class="abstract"><strong>Conclusions:</strong> Present study suggested incidence was very common among male children, in rural background, with common asymptomatic presentation. With high index of suspicion, and proper and timely intervention all 100 cases were managed successfully. But still educating the parents about keeping such things away from kids prevent these incident.</p>

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