
This article analyze two advertisements using capoeira narratives and seek to understand how they are constructed to sell products or ‘images’ in different national contexts. The objective is to understand the processes of adaptation of the practice of capoeira to the local market. The methodology employed was the exploratory research, with the analyses of visual narratives, research in local newspapers, multisited ethnography and free flowing interviews with capoeira practitioners in France and in the UK. The first part introduces the debate about the globalization and glocalization in the case of the capoeira. Then, are presented the studies about the transnationalization of capoeira practice and the emigration of Brazilians. Further is analyzed the advertisement of the deodorant ‘Ushuaia’ in France and the way it shows the representations of capoeira, ‘Brazil’,  ‘Brazilianess’, followed by the analyze of the BBC ‘idents’ and the debate generated by this campaign in the national medias. Through articles published in the British press, we will discuss the insertion of capoeira in British society in a context of debate regarding local multiculturalism. The conclusions point to the understanding that to be used by advertisers in different national contexts, capoeira needs to be transformed in local versions, far from its original meanings.


  • This article analyzes some features of the processes of globalization of the practice of capoeira, a martial art of "Afro-Brazilian" origin that spread in several countries of the world from the late 1970s

  • As I tried to show in this article capoeira practice, in the process of globalization have been appropriated and translated to embody different meanings in distinct national contexts

  • The use of the capoeira in TV advertisements will be associated to the local representations, and the

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Revista Ambivalências

RESUMO Este artigo analisa duas propagandas usando narrativas sobre a capoeira e procura entender como elas são construídas para vender produtos ou "imagens" em diferentes contextos nacionais. O objetivo é de compreender os processos de adaptação da prática da capoeira ao mercado local. A metodologia empregada foi a pesquisa exploratória, com a análise de narrativas visuais, pesquisa em jornais locais, etnografia multisituada e entrevistas de fluxo livre com os praticantes de capoeira na França e no Reino Unido. Através de artigos publicados na imprensa britânica, discutiremos a inserção da capoeira na sociedade britânica num contexto de debate no multiculturalismo local. As conclusões apontam para o entendimento de que, para ser usado por anunciantes em diferentes contextos nacionais, a capoeira precisa ser transformada em versões locais, afastando-se de seus significados originais.

First studies on capoeira outside Brazil
Brazilian emigration and the widespread of capoeira around the world
Discovering capoeira abroad
About the advertisements
The capoeira in a French advertisement
Capoeira on British BBC
Advertisements from internet
Newspapers from internet archives
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