
The paired-like class of homeobox genes contains numerous distinct families, many of which have been implicated in a variety of developmental functions. We report the isolation and expression of a gene with high similarity to Drosophila melanogaster homeobrain from the polychaete annelid Capitella sp. I. The homeobrain-like ( hbnl) gene is a paired-like gene that contains a conserved homeodomain, octapeptide region, alanine stretches, and an OAR domain. Gene orthology analyses of the homeodomain from CapI-hbnl places this gene in a new family of paired-like homeodomain genes that includes D. melanogaster homeobrain ( hbn) and representatives from all major bilaterian clades as well as a cnidarian gene. CapI-hbnl expression is largely restricted to subsets of cells in the brain and eyes during larval development in Capitella sp. I. The earliest expression of CapI-hbnl is in small discrete cell clusters in the cerebral ganglia. This expression persists through late larval developmental stages whereas expression is absent in postmetamorphic juveniles. Outside the brain, expression is present on the ventral side of the larva in two small cell clusters, at the brain/pharyngeal border and in the anterior-most segment. CapI-hbnl shares features of brain expression with hbn, although in contrast to hbn, which is expressed along the length of the ventral nerve cord, CapI-hbnl has a restricted anterior expression pattern. CapI-hbnl represents an important neural marker for characterization of the annelid nervous system.

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