
List of Figures - List of Tables - Notes on the Contributors - Preface to the 1999 Reprint - List of Abbreviations - Capital Account Regimes and the Developing Countries: Issues and Approaches G. K. Helleiner - Capital Account Regulations and Macroeconomic Policy: Two Latin American Experiences G. Le Fort and C. Budnevich - Managing Foreign Capital Flows: The Experiences of the Republic of Korea, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia Y. Chul Park and C. Song - Capital Inflows and Macroeconomic Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa L. Kasekende, D. Kitabire and M. Martin - A New Facility for the IMF? J. Williamson - Cross-Border Payments Taxes and Alternative Capital Account Regimes R. Dornbusch - Issues Relating to the Treatment of Capital Movements in the IMF A. Mohammed - Appendices - Index

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