
Background/Objectives: Quality of grape wines and by-products in connection with the circumscribed resources of natural raw materials receive urgency. The standardize indexes are directed on control of production received from qualitative grape. Methods: For analytical control of grape wines the system of capillary electrophoresis with the photometric detector, the quartz capillary with an external polyimide coating was used. Results were treated with Multichrome for Windows, version 1.5 and statistical programs for Windows. The new methods with use of instrumentation of capillary electrophoresis have allowed dilating standardized indexes of grape wines and provided control principal organic acids, sulphates, sorbic acid, lysozyme. Findings: Appearance and introduction of new directives based on capillary electrophoresis testifies to dynamical development of standard provision of grape wine production quality. Procedures of determination by means of capillary electrophoresis of prioritise amino acids, major cations, inorganic anions, principal organic acids, total nitrogen in grape wines are modified and developed. The results received by means of new methods, have important and allow solve many questions bound to quality. Results: It is shown the influence of composition of electrolyte to separation of analysed components. It is estimated sensitivity, detection limits, linearity, and was calculated electrophoretic mobility determined components of grape wines. It is positioned that no more than 5 measurements of samples on one portion of electrolyte in the yielded conditions with the guaranteed error of a procedure. The further exploitation leads to growth of an error of quantitative calculations up to 8%. For determination of complex indexes may be used the temperature destruction of sample of grape wine and further determination by method of capillary electrophoresis.

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