
AbstractThe Human Genome Project is a challenging and important project for the future of mankind (1). It has driven the development of various analytical instruments as well as methods (2). The development of an automated DNA sequencer with a fluorescence detection system has been a key factor for the success of the genome project. The first generation of DNA sequencer has used a slab gel. The DNA sequencing throughput per system was only 20 kb/d when the genome project started in 1990 (3). It was proposed that it would take more than thirty years to sequence the entire human genome without a drastic improvement in DNA sequencing technology. The desired throughput of the new DNA sequencer would be 1 Mb/d (4).KeywordsAmplify Fragment Length PolymorphismIrradiate RegionCapillary ArrayFluorescence Detection SystemAmplify Fragment Length Polymorphism MethodologyThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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