
EVIDENCES OF VASCULAR DISORDER IN CASES OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SINCE the time of Rindfleisch, 1 disturbances in circulation have been described as a part of the histologic picture of multiple sclerosis by the majority of observers. Some pathologists (Ribbert, 2 Borst, 3 Williamson, 4 Klingman 5 ) have ascribed an etiologic significance to the alterations observed, and one of us (T. J. P.), with various collaborators, has attempted a systematic survey of the hypothesis that the characteristic lesions are the result of vascular closure. Spotty areas of demyelination, with relative preservation of axis-cylinders and a purely ectodermal type of repair, may be produced by experimental venular obstruction, 6 or may be observed in conjunction with a variety of lesions which embarrass the venous return. 7 Thrombi are observed in or adjacent to the lesions in about 36 per cent of cases. 8 This observation has subsequently been confirmed by Dow and

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