
Abstract Introduction Currently, the Tunisian medical schools are going through a transition period marked by the reform of medical studies. Their curricula must be adapted to globally recognized medical education guidelines. Aware of the importance of teaching scientific research and public health, they are making efforts to integrate this new approach of education within several levels (undergraduate, postgraduate and continuous professional development). In this perspective, the public health research centres (C4EHPs) created under the CONFIDE project provide an opportunity to support such integration. The progress The Faculty of Medicine of Sousse was founded in the 70s to open up to its local and regional community. So, the public health topic was one of the top priorities. With the reform started in 2011, the importance of this topic has been further developed by integrating many modules that cover different aspects of public health throughout the curriculum. In this context, the materials, modules and information developed within the CONFIDE project complement the existing modules and bring a fresh perspective on the teaching methods. The faculty of Medicine of Sousse will integrate this information in the curricula to promote scientific production by allowing students to build up their scientific research knowledge, develop higher research competencies such as critical-thinking, problem-solving and data interpretation and analysis and train public health specialists to be health policy makers in the future. Conclusions Integrating the new approach based on the achievements of the C4EHP is an essential step for our faculty to develop more training in public health, ensure good quality of its teaching process and participate in the development of health policies that will improve the health of the Tunisian population.

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