
The current demands generated by the Covid-19 pandemic have forced many establishments to migrate theirbusinesses to an online platform, so it is important to know if independent pharmacies have the possibilityof making use of this tool, therefore that the objective of the present study was to diagnose the technologicalcapabilities of the independent pharmacy. The aim is to know if this type of business has the capabilitiesto incorporate an online sales system (e-commerce) as a sales strategy. The pilot study was carried out inthe metropolitan area that borders the northern area of Mexico City. A quantitative methodology with anexploratory and descriptive approach was used, through the survey method that was taken and modifiedfrom a study by Méndez (2020), which showed that independent pharmacies in the area lack technologicalinfrastructure despite that the staff has the ability to handle technology to incorporate e-commerce as a salesstrategy. This pilot study is effective for the diagnosis of technological capabilities in independent pharmacytypebusinesses and works as a model to apply it in a larger sample that allows to conclude a global realityof these businesses in Mexico.

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