
The capabilities of local government organizations play an important role in handling natural disasters. This study describes these capabilities and the factors that influence them. Through qualitative research, it was found that strong policies and regulations, trained human resources, resilient infrastructure, good preparedness and planning, and active community involvement are key factors for improving organizational capabilities. Constraints and challenges, such as limited resources, complex coordination, lack of community understanding, climate change, and policy updates, are also faced. However, recent efforts and innovations in overcoming these constraints, such as the use of information technology, early warning systems, collaboration with external parties, and increased community participation, have had a positive impact on improving the organizational capabilities of local governments. The recommended practical and policy implications include policy strengthening, investment in human resources, infrastructure development, improved preparedness and planning, and increased community engagement. In conclusion, it is hoped that the results of this study will provide a better understanding of the capabilities of local government organizations in handling natural disasters and serve as a reference for more effective policies and practices in facing future disaster challenges.
 Keywords: kwd

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