
The potential of didodecyldimethylammonium bromide (DDAB)-modified reversed phase liquid chromatography was evaluated for fractionation of rabbit liver metallothioneins (MT) when using on-line UV-Visible detection at 254 nm. The two main isoforms of rabbit liver MT were readily resolved by using a concentration gradient (0.002–0.2 mol L−1) of Tris-HCl buffer solution (pH 7.4) containing DDAB and an Econophere C18-bonded silica column, previously modified by DDAB solution. Chromatographic behaviour of rabbit liver MT fractions with this technique was similar to that observed by conventional anion-exchange or vesicle-mediated liquid chromatography in terms of main isoforms resolution and retention time repeatability. Nevertheless, the higher sample throughput (shorter time for column modification/chromatographic run), the lower cost of the chromatographic column and the lower end-concentration of the buffer used makes this approach a most attractive tool to be used in connection with highly sensitive element-specific detectors (e.g. ICP-MS) for performing routine ultratrace metal speciation of MT in biological materials.

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