
AbstractLet $\def \xmlpi #1{}\def \mathsfbi #1{\boldsymbol {\mathsf {#1}}}\let \le =\leqslant \let \leq =\leqslant \let \ge =\geqslant \let \geq =\geqslant \def \Pr {\mathit {Pr}}\def \Fr {\mathit {Fr}}\def \Rey {\mathit {Re}}\Gamma $ be a compact tropical curve (or metric graph) of genus $g$. Using the theory of tropical theta functions, Mikhalkin and Zharkov proved that there is a canonical effective representative (called a break divisor) for each linear equivalence class of divisors of degree $g$ on $\Gamma $. We present a new combinatorial proof of the fact that there is a unique break divisor in each equivalence class, establishing in the process an ‘integral’ version of this result which is of independent interest. As an application, we provide a ‘geometric proof’ of (a dual version of) Kirchhoff’s celebrated matrix–tree theorem. Indeed, we show that each weighted graph model $G$ for $\Gamma $ gives rise to a canonical polyhedral decomposition of the $g$-dimensional real torus $\mathrm{Pic}^g(\Gamma )$ into parallelotopes $C_T$, one for each spanning tree $T$ of $G$, and the dual Kirchhoff theorem becomes the statement that the volume of $\mathrm{Pic}^g(\Gamma )$ is the sum of the volumes of the cells in the decomposition.


  • Let Γ be a compact tropical curve of genus g

  • Every divisor class of degree g has a canonical effective representative. (This is in sharp contrast to the situation for compact Riemann surfaces, where the analogous map π does not admit such a section.) not stated explicitly in the paper, one can deduce from the results in [MZ08] that the image of σ is the set of break divisors in Divg (Γ ). +

  • We study break divisors in detail, and give some applications

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Let Γ be a compact tropical curve (or metric graph) of genus g. G modulo linear equivalence is canonically in bijection with the set of integral break divisors. An orientation O of a metric graph Γ is an equivalence class of pairs (G, O), where G is a model for Γ and O is an orientation of the edges of G, where the equivalence relation is generated by the operation of replacing G by a refinement G and letting O be the orientation induced by O. Given q ∈ Γ , there is a canonical way to associate a q-connected orientation O to any break set {( p1, η1), . There is a canonical way to associate a break divisor D(O,q) to a q-connected orientation O: D(O,q) := (q) + DO = (q) + (indegO( p) − 1)( p). Are compact Hausdorff spaces, it follows from Theorem 1.1 that the canonical map from Σ to Picg(Γ ) is a homeomorphism

Orientations and divisors
The dual matrix–tree theorem
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