
ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to assess whether there is linear dependence between groups of morphoagronomic and bromatological traits in hybrid silage corn. Nineteen topcross hybrids and five checks were assessed in two different environments in Campos dos Goytacazes and Itaocara counties, Rio de Janeiro State, during the growing seasons 2013/2014. The study followed a randomized blocks design with four replicates. The phenotypic and canonical correlations between the groups of seven morphoagronomic and five bromatological traits were assessed. There is linear dependence between the group pairs of morphoagronomic, and bromatological variables. The morphoagronomic trait green mass yield can be adopted in indirect selection processes to indicate the increased bromatological quality of maize silage based on features such as crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, lignin, crude fat and mineral matter. Topcross hybrids UENF-2208 and UENF-2209 presented high potential for silage yield in the North and Northwest Regions.

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