
Cannabis sativa is a widely dispersed plant that may be found in a broad range of habitats, elevations, and climatic conditions all over the globe. It is a member of the Cannabis genus. Historically, it has been used by humans for more than 5000 years, making it one of the oldest plant sources of food and textile fibres. Originating in Western Asia and Egypt, the cultivation of Cannabis sativa for textile fibre later spread to Europe, and in 1606, the cultivation of hemp was brought to North America, where it has remained since. For the majority of the 18th and 19th centuries, hemp had an important economic role in Europe, primarily in the manufacturing of ropes and textiles. Cannabis sativa L. (marijuana; Cannabaceae) is a popular plant with extensive distribution that produces fibre and food, as well as a psychoactive drug. Hemp seed has traditionally been harvested for the oil that can be derived from it and used in a variety of applications, including culinary and the production of soaps, paints, lubricants, and cosmetics. Furthermore, hemp has long been used as a medical plant.

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